On a Sunday Morning

Green for Trinity Season

Green Season

What can you expect on a Sunday Morning at St. Michael’s?


   10:15 am  Holy Eucharist (we try to begin promptly!)
   11:30 am  Coffee & visiting afterward

You can expect to be accepted and welcomed just as you are, regardless of your spiritual background.

Near the entrance you’ll see the St. Michael’s prayer list. You may add the name(s) of anyone whom you know to need prayers. During the Eucharist we pray for those who are in need, sorrow, or sickness; for expectant mothers; and for the recently deceased. Angels deliver particular blessings to all those for whom we pray.

You will find it easy to follow the Eucharist using the service booklet we provide. If aspects of Catholic liturgy are unfamiliar, please know that nearly all of us (Fr. Alan in particular!) have felt the same way when first encountering The Liberal Catholic Church. You will not be put on the spot in any way. 

You might be uplifted by the beautiful music of our Liberal Catholic liturgy.

You will be invited to partake of Holy Communion with us. You do not need to be a member of our church or any Christian church. You do not need to pass any test of belief. If you approach the altar with reverence, you are welcome to receive Communion. Communion is administered by the priest directly into the mouth of the communicant. Grape juice is used for “wine” at St. Michael the Protector Church.

Most of all, you can expect to be inspired and spiritually refreshed by the silence, dignity, and beauty of sacramental worship and by your participation, with angels and with us, in worship that blesses the neighborhood and enlivens Christ’s presence in the world.

Also see our Guide for Newcomers here.

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